Agenda of the european climate camps, actions and activist’s gatherings of the summer 2024

Every spring and summer for decades, many activist gatherings are organized across Europe allowing meetings, exchanges, debates between many activists, organizations, collectives and European networks, but also to act, through rallies, demonstrations and actions of civil disobedience or even more radical actions of sabotage in order to fight against the capitalist system, extractivist industries, social and environmental inequalities.

Dozens of these gatherings are planned throughout the summer, with bike trips to alternative places, or against atomic energy, climate camps, disobedience actions against extractivist industry (coal, gas, oil, concrete, etc.. ), highways, borders, nuclear power, arms industries, but also with numerous meetings, book fairs and conferences in order to imagine and put into action other ways of life, other societies, anti-capitalist, solidarity-based, cooperative, pacifist and respectful of all living things.

These struggles and gatherings are essential for European activists, in order to fight together, to develop networks of struggle, and to make a common front against those who try to enslave this world for their own interests, and thus destroy it. So, if you feel like joining them, here is the non-exhaustive agenda of the European militant gatherings of the summer 2023.

Don’t hesitate to complete the agenda in the comments if you know interesting events, it will be added in the article.

Have a good summer of struggles !

Photo credit : Tim Lüddemann



8th – 12th of may :Disrupt Tesla,  stop the expansion of the Tesla Gigafactory. Mass action, Grünheide/Berlin, Germany.

10th – 12th of may :Resistant citizens of yesterday and today,gathering on the Glières’s plateau, France.

18th – 20th of may :  Intercolletive week-end, Lausanne, Swizerland.

20th – 26th of may :Anti-militarist action week, Pragua, Czech Republic.

24th of may : Total liquidation, action against Total’s 100th anniversary General Assembly, Paris, France.

25th – 26th of may :11th Anarchist Bookfair in Prague, Czech Republic.

26th of may – 1st of june : Climate camp near Vienna, Austria.

30th of may – 3rd of june : Chaotic anarchist meetup, about International Solidarity, extractivism and war, Hambacher forest, Germany.

31st of may :National climate march, Amsterdam, Netherlands.



15th – 19th of june : Take Concrete Action: Pulp Fiction, Action camp against the forestry industry near Gävle, Sweden.

21st – 23rd of june : Food Autonomy Festival, a three-day gathering aiming to make visible, connect, and celebrate resistances and alternatives to the corporate-controlled industrial food system. We bring together collectives, organizations, farmers, artists, academics, and others who fight for social and ecological justice, at Amsterdam, Netherlands


3rd – 9th of july :
 10th degrowth summer school, Barcelona, Spain.

10th – 15th of july :
Climate Camp Scotland, Aberdeen, Scotlan

15th- 25th of july :
Lakenheath Peace Camp, Lakenheath, England

14th – 19th of july :
Camp and village for the defense of water, Poitou region, France.

17th – 20th of july :
Festival of the d’humanité, Roya Valley, France.

20th – 21st of july : International mobilisation against giant retention basins, Poitou region, France.

20th of july – 4th of august :Tour de Natur, cycling tour from Magdeburg to Kassel, Germany.

24th – 29th of july :
Earth first’s summer gathering, England.

24th of july – 11th of august :
23rd encounters of the friends of the Silence’s magazine, at the farm of the seven fonts, near Angoulême, France.



2nd – 11th of august : Rise up, Camp and Action Days against Fossil Infrastructure, for Movement of Freedom, Basel (CH)

5th – 11th of august :
System change camp, climate camp, Erfurt Germany.

8th – 13th of august :
Reclaim the Power biomass direct action camp, near Drax power station, UK.

12th – 20th of august :A-camp, anarchist summer camp, Fehring, Austria.

15th – 18th of august :
AMS camp, self-organized camp with readings and critical discussions on gender relations, capitalism and nationalism. Cultural program with theater and music. In St Georgen, Black Forest, Germany.

16th – 18th of august :
Les Bure’lesques, festival against the nuclear waste disposal project of Bure, France.

20th – 25th of august :
No border camp, Netherlands.

29th of august – 2nd of september :
Climate Camp Cymru, Wales, UK.

28th of august – 1st of september :
Action camp against fossil fuels, Rotterdam, Netherlands.



3rd – 8th of september :Action camp against Rheinmetall and the military industries, Kiel, Germany.



1st – 5th of october : Sow your resistance, international farmer seeds gathering, at the french-italian border, Alpes Maritimes, France.

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